So I'm about a week behind in my blog entries now. Here's some of what happened last week!

Well, for starters, I haven't had much luck giving Vanessa regular meals of solid foods lately. We're always on the go, and I can't figure out when Vanessa is ready for her meals. But she's almost always ready for a few bites of banana!

Vanessa and her grandma and I went to see the Schloss museum (the old castle) in Stuttgart last week when it was a little rainy. Oops, we took this picture of Vanessa with the crown jewels of Germany before we were told that we weren't supposed to use flash photography in this room. There was probably a sign about that in German somewhere!

Vanessa and mommy outside near the fluted columns. I guess they were an architectural pun!

On a much sunnier day (and actually two days before the Schloss museum), we went to the zoo! The Stuttgart zoo was simply beautiful, with architecture constructed in 1850 in the "Moorish style" mixed in with all the amazing plants and animals. Vanessa liked the sharks (just like her daddy)!

Vanessa, don't feed the animals!

Vanessa and I pose in the zoo's gardens, right outside of the bird and bat houses.

Elephants! (Or elefanten, since we're in Germany).

Vanessa's grandma stands in front of this incredible view from a high point at the zoo.

So Vanessa has kind of a hard time relating with elephants and giraffes. It's not just that she was asleep while she passed those exhibits, but she just likes animals that are a little closer and a little smaller. Fish are some of her favorite animals!

Vanessa got so excited about the baby chickens that she started giggling and tapping the glass. (Don't tap the glass, Vanessa!)

Vanessa seemed to like the flamingos. I wanted to see them so that I could make the proper sound effect while reading "Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?" to Vanessa. For those that are curious, flamingos sound sort of like geese and sort of like a bunch of bicycle horns, but just a bit more whistle-y.

Well, this was supposed to be a post of just me, grandma, and Vanessa. But I couldn't resist including a picture of Vanessa smiling at her daddy!

Vanessa, her grandma, and I went to see Lake Konstanz (Constance) just south of Stuttgart. Wow, what a pretty lake! The Alps were visibile in the background, and parts of the lake were lined with stunning tall houses and hotels of German architecture. Here's a picture from our walk near the lake.

Me, a sleeping Vanessa, and a swan. I've never seen so many swans as on Lake Konstanz!

Grandma in front of the palm trees near the lake. If you look closely, you can see a zeppelin flying in the distance (look just over my mom's head!).

I really liked this building, the Rheintorturm, a tower built in 1200 and restored in the 1850's.

Vanessa just loved the ducks at the lake!

Vanessa and her grandma on our 45-minute boat tour of part of the lake. Aww... they love each other!

Here's a picture of my mom and Vanessa with the Alps in the background.
So, you say, Vanessa always looks so happy and well-behaved in these pictures, but what is she REALLY like? Well, here you go.
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