Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Earlier bedtime!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
First Thanksgiving
My sister-in-law Jessica posted on her blog recently that the sudden loss of her uncle causes her to hold even more tightly to the family she has. Those sentiments affect me very much -- I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family, and each one of my family members is more important to me now than ever.
Fran has a brand new grandson to visit! Vanessa helps Fran warm up her baby-holding muscles.
Uncle Zak gets to hold Vanessa for the first time. Vanessa makes friends with Zak's girlfriend, Raven.
Molly was a little nervous in holding Vanessa, but she turned out to be great at it.
Jan was one of the first to hold Vanessa.
Uncle Roger was really glad that Vanessa made the trip out to the Shore.
Grandma holds Vanessa as she discovers the camera.
I think Vanessa looks a lot like her grampa in this picture.
Uncle Brian gets his hand held by Vanessa as she dozes in Joanna's arms after dinner on Friday.
OK, so Vanessa is looking away from the camera. Still, I think it's a great family picture.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Brian and Sherrie visit

Look, Vanessa is holding Sherrie's hand. Aw...

Vanessa plays SO BIG with mommy.

Sunday, November 19, 2006
A new little voice!
Vanessa has been liking her bottle less and less while I work on Saturdays, so I'm glad I'm done with teaching on Saturdays until February (or maybe not at all, we'll see).
By the way, I finally got around to changing my last name to Maxted (6 years after the wedding, but who's counting), so now we're officially a family of three Maxteds!
We're planning on taking Vanessa on her first long trip over Thanksgiving -- over 4 hours, to the Eastern Shore of Virginia. We'll see how she handles the trip. Hopefully, she'll sleep the whole way!
Monday, November 13, 2006
A week at Nana's and meeting new friends
This week was also notable because on voting day, I met a new stay-at-home mommy with a baby, Revie, just 3 weeks younger than Vanessa. They live in our neighborhood, and they seem to have quite a bit in common with us. For example, they like to play the Settlers game that James and I like, so we played that game last night. I'm really excited to have new friends!
Plus, I was also happy to have Heather and Terry come to visit us again. Vanessa and I are truly spoiled to have an aunt and uncle so close by. They came in Halloween costumes, since it was only a few days after Halloween, and the costumes were so fun and cleverly put together by Heather (with a little help from Terry, I understand). Heather and Terry were impressed by Vanessa's standing and SO BIG trick. When Vanessa plays SO BIG, she pulls herself into a sitting position with just a little help. It's so funny -- she'll do this trick even if she's very tired or fussy.
Vanessa noticing the mobile for the first time at Nana's house.

Vanessa and Revie look at each other. They even smiled at each other!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
So big and so talented!
First Halloween