By the way, Vanessa is getting much better about getting dressed now that she can pretty much put her clothes on by herself. She just didn't want mommy to do it. I see how it is...
Vanessa especially likes getting dressed when it means matching her daddy! Vanessa doesn't say "Touchdown!" yet, but I don't think it will be long. She does like to play with the football.
We were so lucky to have a visit from my friends Sara and Lee and their daughter Aryana. What's that you're holding, Aryana? Did you get a hold of your parents' camera? Aryana seems to have a knack with electronics!
It was very sweet to see our daughters playing together. Here Vanessa tries to comfort Aryana when she was crying (of course, Aryana was crying because Vanessa knocked her down in the first place...)
Aryana is so pleasant, and doesn't really seem to have too much stranger anxiety at all. Nana happened to stop by when Sara and Lee were here. When Aryana wandered off to another room and Nana brought her back, Aryana seemed quite happy to be picked up!
Here's my friend Sara holding Elizabeth. It's pretty neat that Aryana is about halfway between Vanessa and Elizabeth's ages. It will be interesting to see how all three girls interact the next time we get together!
Vanessa and Aryana had a fun time playing in our family room. I'm excited to have gotten a picture of both Sara(h)'s with their toddlers!
Brian and Joanna stopped by with their dog Kyra. Vanessa absolutely adores Kyra, and everyone enjoyed hanging out with Brian and Joanna, even Elizabeth. Elizabeth has had trouble with being held by people she wasn't very used to, but that's getting much better lately. She seemed to really like Joanna and her uncle Brian!
Here are Elizabeth and Joanna. Aww... so sweet!
Vanessa's behavior has been a bit "puzzling" lately. Here she is in her Winnie the Pooh shirt, Pooh doll, and Pooh puzzle the first time she put the puzzle together entirely by herself (I was in the other room and not even helping out verbally!).

Elizabeth has started to be able to support herself standing for a few moments if she is leaning against an object, most often this piano. That was Vanessa's favorite early standing tool too.
Elizabeth takes time out from her concert to give a smile to the audience (me)!
Sometimes when I'm getting ready in the morning, I plop Elizabeth in the baby bath with a toy. Elizabeth prefers to be sitting or standing most of the time, so she enjoys the support that her bath provides. After nearly 5 months of being a parent of two girls, I feel like I've actually established a working morning routine!
A few days later, Vanessa had put together all three puzzles we had on hand, and we've just bought some more! It's so nice for her to have an activity to do all by herself, especially in the morning when I'm trying to get everyone ready for the day. Elizabeth meanwhile is having a grand time in her bouncer.
Vanessa has started more and more to be able to draw something that she can identify. Here is a self-portrait. It has blue eyes, and peach nose, and a pink mouth! She's also getting pretty good at drawing balloons (roundish scribbles with strings).
Do you see what Vanessa has done in this picture? Organized her marker caps in rainbow order! Notice that brown and black are not present in this picture -- she handed them to me because they didn't belong in the rainbow. In fact, she pretty much refuses to draw with brown or black anymore.