In fact, I have a funny story from today. Vanessa was making a sort of whimpering noise and pointing to her tummy. "Does your tummy hurt?" I asked, "is it hungry?" "Yes," answers Vanessa. "What would it like?" "Milk," she answers. So I give her a sippy cup with milk in it. Vanessa promptly puts the straw up to her tummy, trying to soothe her tummy directly!
Vanessa seems to be inventing all kinds of games lately. (Maybe I play a part in their invention, but I do think she is the one doing the inventing.) One of her favorite new games is "Home!" For this game, Vanessa pushes her car or other vehicle to "work" in her bedroom or her parents' room, and then returns, saying "I'm home!" This means of course that she gets a great big hug from her mommy and daddy. Then she goes back to work and comes home again, getting lots of exciting hugs.
Daddy's garden has been a fairly successful venture so far. We have lots of plants popping up and even a few things yielding something of a harvest already. Vanessa has been enjoying helping her daddy. In this picture, she's planting some seeds, and she likes to pour water on the plants with the watering can. Although this picture was taken a few weeks ago, Vanessa still associates the word "seeds" with daddy's garden.
I'm kind of sad to be wrapping up my baby-sitting as we prepare for Elizabeth's arrival. I only have one more day of watching Grace ahead of me. Vanessa has been enjoying playing with Grace very much and has been learning a lot of good habits from her (such as picking up her toys and holding still for diaper changes). I hope we can keep up regular visits with Grace. We've been trying to keep visiting Maya, whom Vanessa seems to view as sort of a big sister.
Grace and Vanessa like to play a game I like to call "Bounce 'til we're tired," wherein they bounce wildly in the crib and then pretend it's suddenly naptime. They repeat this cycle over and over.
Vanessa and Grace really are so cute together. Here they are sharing a little snack in their little chairs.
My mother came to visit a couple of weeks ago. She and Vanessa enjoyed a few good jam sessions on the piano. Grandma always brings Vanessa some good books (which I'm always desperate for!) and a few truly wonderful handmade toys from Grandma's early childhood education classroom to play with, on loan until the next visit or so. Vanessa has especially enjoyed playing with a family of dolls that Grandma brought, including a daddy, mommy, big sister and baby. The daddy goes to work sometimes, and the family members take turns napping in Elizabeth's crib, but mostly they spend their day lying in Vanessa's crib waiting for her to bounce so they can bounce too.
Vanessa helped Grandma pour the water and add most of the ingredients for pizza dough, but when it came to adding the flour, Vanessa decided she didn't want to help anymore, on account of the fact that the flour made the dough look yucky (thus the tongue sticking out).
We've finally moved in and cleaned up enough to host a few social activities. It is a tremendous relief to be able to finally welcome others to see our new place. We had a play date last week and a housewarming picnic on Memorial Day. One of the families that we invited to the picnic brought their moon bounce. They certainly know how to be invited to future events!
Vanessa and Nana enjoyed playing with the sand and water table at the picnic. It was wonderful to have Nana and Grampa to help watch Vanessa so that James and I could chat with some of the fantastic neighbors, friends, and family we had over.