Vanessa fell fast asleep in Grandma Satterlee's arms.
Sleepy Vanessa, so tired...

Uncle Johnny and Aunt Liz stop on by and Johnny practices the football hold.

For having never held a newborn baby before, Aunt Liz does it like a champ.

Uncle Terry has no problem rocking Vanessa to sleep.

Seeing all the family holding Vanessa makes me want to be there. What a beautiful niece I have! Looking at Terry tenderly holding Vanessa makes me wonder if Heather was noticing the look on his face...ummmm... I wonder what the future holds... Also, just a suggestion for you James and Sarah you can let people comment without signing up for a blogger account which and still eliminate spam/ads by having them type in a word that the site randomly produces... check under settings for details... I love y'all
Good idea Jake. I changed that setting to no longer require logins.
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