Monday, September 11, 2006

A grandfather and great-grandfather birthday

These are some more pictures from Saturday, when my Dad and Grandfather celebrated their birthdays.

A picture of all of us at the party.

Phyllis (shall I call her great-Nana?) might have held Vanessa all day, if there weren't others who wanted to share.

Hannah wasn't so sure about holding Vanessa, but she managed just fine.

Grampa, three of his granddaughters, and a very special one of his great-granddaughters!

Aunt Teri holds Vanessa in the swaddling blanket that she got for us. Vanessa does like to be swaddled when she's sleepy. When she's grouchy, she thinks it's fun to kick off her swaddling.

1 comment:

Jessica Kaylor said...

It's great to see all the family photos. I think we will superimpose Vanessa into one of our pictures for you to post so we will not feel left out. Unfortunately, it's not quite the same as holding her ourselves!
Glad to hear Vanessa's eye is improving.
We love you all!
The Kaylors (in Texas)